Event Categories


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These are to let you know when we are having a break between sessions!


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Competitive Events


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We encourage all our volunteers and paddlers to be independent in leading the way on their own personal development, however from time to time we [...]
Courses Workshops

Courses Workshops

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Practical workshops are short courses designed to be short enough to offer support within an evening or half a day.


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We all need to have meet ups from time to time to catch up on how to run the club, plan events and generally ensure [...]
Meetings Workshops

Meetings Workshops

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Workshops are designed to be kept to short enough to offer support within an evening, they can cover a variety of topics.

Polo Competitions

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Polo Competitions, Leagues and Tournaments


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We run a number of sessions, which are usually 1-2 hours subject to the nature of the session type.
Sessions - Introductory Taster

Sessions - Introductory Taster

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We aim to help introduce our members to a varying programme so we sometimes run taster sessions for more progressive sessions, such as marathon, slalom, [...]
Sessions - Open/Mixed

Sessions - Open/Mixed

Next Event

Alton Indoor Pool Session 1 - 28/02/2025 - 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

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Our mixed/general sessions are what we refer to our regular club social sessions. Anyone of a mix of abilities are welcome to join these and [...]
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