Type: Volunteers to run Taster Sessions @ Farnham District Scouts Family Camp
Suitability: Any Volunteers
Location: Garners Field, off Sheephatch Lane, Tilford (nearest post code GU10 2AQ)
Food: The Scout kitchen will provide a free hot breakfast and lunch, as well as hot / cold drinks during the day. Please bring your own mug, and any other food / drink that you want.
For many years Blackwater Valley Canoe Club has supported the Farnham District Scouts Family Camp years by running come and try it session for the Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Parents at the camp. Our sessions will be run on the Saturday from about 09.30 to 17.00.
Ideally we should try and get to Garners field about 08:30 – 09:00 on the day.
The campsite is next to the River Wey, here it is quite shallow and narrow, the format for the day is 20 to 30 minute come and try it sessions on the water in kayaks.
The BVCC helpers role on the land is to fit BA’s, fit paddlers to boats and paddles, give some basic instructions, slide kayaks into the water and extract them at the end of the session.
Those in the water (it is just under waist deep on me in most of the river so we are standing in the water rather being in boats) is to keep them safe and within the boundaries we have set, give them basic coaching and maybe empty a boat or two when they have fallen in.
We usually get 200 or so paddlers on the water throughout the day, it is quite hard work as we are always on the go but we do get a break for lunch and get fed.
We would like to get as many boats, paddles and BA’s to the site on the Thursday evening and return them on the Sunday.
Can you help?
- delivering boats / kit before/after the event?
- on the bank, part or all of the day?
- on the water, part or all of the day?
Thank you!
p.s. If you are coming on the day don’t forget to bring a mug / cup with you for a brew!